A Little Bit of Faith and a Not So Little Baby (Part 1)

It was nine years ago today that I saw God make good on my faith. The first time I was pregnant, I was naive. I chose to be induced without fully understanding what I was agreeing to and as a result, I had a miserable labor and delivery. After that experience I was determined to go naturally the next time around.

Two and a half years later I sat in the doctor’s office and was told they wanted to schedule an induction. Everything inside of me resisted even the thought of forcing my son’s arrival. But I reminded myself that I had been believing God for a natural delivery even before I got pregnant and I still believed that He would come through. I scheduled the induction and kept on believing. Continue reading

Sometimes the Little Things Really Are the BIG Things

I have a confession to make, I am rather particular about toilet paper. With the numerous options on the shelves, it has taken me many years of trial and error to discover what truly makes me happy and it ain’t the cheap stuff! As we’ve hit some harder financial times I felt that one way we could economize was by saving a couple of bucks on toilet paper. Mistake. Continue reading

You Want Me To What?

Ahh, the sweet, crisp days of fall. Apples, sweats, warm colors and peace. Sending the kids back to school for 7-8 hours a day leaves ample time for me which equals a peaceful mama. I can read, clean and go to the bathroom without a single interruption (well, mostly, I do still have a 3 year old at home). No more playing referee, no more listening to the constant whining of being bored and wanting something to eat, sweet freedom. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my kids, but I have also very much enjoyed the school year when that all too infrequent me-time is multiplied, until this year.

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